Spending your Bistro funds
It is our pleasure to give all Platte Valley physicians $25 every four months – for a total of $75 per year – to use in our hospital’s Bistro. Please follow the below guidelines for spending your funds and enjoying your meal in a way that allows us to remain in compliance, so we can continue this program.
Physician accounts are loaded with $25 every four months – January, April and September. Each account is loaded manually starting on the first of the month, so it might take a few days before the funds appear in your account.
Physicians with Bistro funds still need to stop and checkout with the cashier so the cost of the meal can be applied to your account. Skipping this step threatens our compliance with state law and our ability to continue this program.
If you do not use the full $25 in the four-month time period it was gifted, you will lose it. It does not and cannot rollover to the next four months. Again, this is to remain in compliance with state law and is not something we can change. Please don’t ask our Food Service cashiers or managers to disregard the law.
New physicians!
If you are a new physician or one who has not yet used your account in the Bistro, please follow these steps.
Approach the cashier before you order your meal and provide your first and last name.
The cashier will take your name to the manager on duty, who will activate your account.
With your newly activated account, select your items, checkout with the cashier and enjoy!
If you have any questions about this program or your account, please reach out to DeNae Alva, Platte Valley director of Food & Nutrition Services, or Amanda Romero, Platte Valley Food Service supervisor.