Legislative changes in Colorado

Two legislative changes that apply to all physicians and APPs were passed in Colorado this year:

  1. HB 23-1077 prohibits health providers from performing intimate examinations on sedated or unconscious patients without explicit informed consent. Students or trainees may be allowed to perform an intimate examination after obtaining informed consent only if the examination is related to the planned procedure to be performed on the patient; the student or trainee has been introduced to the patient as part of the patient’s care team; and the student or trainee is under direct supervision of a licensed provider. Informed consent must be obtained during a pre-operative appointment or as soon as possible before the intimate examination through a written or electronic document.

  2. SB 23-020 places the physician (attending, their associate or the CMO) responsible for completing the medical certification for a death certificate within 72 hours after receipt of an EDRS request, unless current law requires additional inquiry into the cause and manner of death.

  • By March 1, 2024, CDPHE must ensure that all physicians are registered to use the electronic death registration system. Please click here to learn more or request an EDRS account.



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