Upcoming changes to CDI query process
All Peaks medical staff members will notice two upcoming changes to the CDI query process, beginning Monday, Sept. 9.
For all medical staff:
Clinical Documentation Integrity staff initially will communicate via Epic In-basket or Epic Chat regarding unanswered CDI queries to further enhance our Epic functionality and Epic journey.
In the rare instance that a CDI query remains unanswered after two business days, there are processes in place involving CDI management and physician advisors to assist with securing a response.
Because of this process change, consider adding to your daily workflow frequent checks of your Epic In-basket to ensure all CDI queries are answered on a regular basis.
For teaching staff:
The expectation from Leadership and Compliance, after thorough discussion, is that all CDI queries on discharged patients be sent to the attending provider. CDI queries will no longer be sent to residents after the patient has been discharged.
The attending provider is defined as the provider who signed/co-signed the discharge summary or last progress note.
This process change pertains to residents only and does not include APPs. APPs who authored the discharged summary will continue to be queried on patients after discharge.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with these changes. Please reach out to Charles Talton, MD, or Gerri Mournian, MD, if you have any questions.