St. Mary’s will roll out BEST Alerts in July
A Behavioral Emergency Support Team (BEST) Alert is a behavioral “code” paged out to a multidisciplinary team that supports caregivers dealing with escalating patient and visitor behaviors. This new process will go live on Tuesday, July 2.
The physician/APP does NOT need to respond to the alert, which will be paged out (this is different than the overhead announcement for security alerts). However, you will have some responsibility to help formulate and enforce an action plan when applicable.
Why we’re implementing BEST Alerts
To proactively manage difficult, aggressive, or escalating behaviors from patients or visitors.
To reduce workplace violence towards our caregivers.
Identify and address early high-risk behaviors that may escalate quickly.
KPI for Caregiver Safety: To reduce reportable WPV-related caregiver injuries.
Behavior examples of when BEST ALERT can be called
History of Assault at any facility that we are aware of
Child Abuse or APS Cases
Violation of Visitor Policy
Verbal Abuse or Name Calling
Use of Photo or Video without Consent and not during instruction (after the fact)
Disruptive behaviors/interactions (depending on behavior and staff discretion)
Interfering with medical care
Makes a written threat against staff or the hospital
Providing unauthorized medical care
Increased agitation and cannot be redirected
Potential danger to self or others
Elopement risk
BEST ALERT multidisciplinary team
Primary Nurse, Charge Nurse/CSS, Physician, Behavioral Health, Security, House Supervisor/CRT, Chaplain, and Unit Manager
How to call a BEST ALERT
Dial 55. Nursing will notify the provider if needed, using the provider communication algorithm, after the BEST TEAM alert team huddle.