St. Mary’s medical staff receive several compliments
Grateful patients regularly recognize St. Mary’s physicians and APPs for the care they receive. They were moved by your compassion and thoughtful words. They were impressed by your clinical skills and your command over their experience. They offer their deepest appreciation, and so do we. We’re proud to post our patients’ comments here.
Patient Comments From Google Reviews (Past 12 Months)
Jonathan M. Belk, MD, provided timely, knowledgeable, and thorough care.
Sharon C. Golden, NP, was a great stroke nurse.
Eric N. Momin, MD, did surgery on my neck and back to give me a better quality of life.
Eric N. Momin, MD, is a hearo as far as we are concerned.
Verlyn N. Nykamp, MD, did an outstanding job.
Kathryn A. Sarnoski, MD, was easy to talk to and she listened to my concerns and I’m looking forward to my journey with her.
Michael J. White is genuinely kind and takes the time to answer all of my questions in a way I can understand.
Michael P. Woodbury, DO, and his team are absolutely amazing.
Yu M. Zhou, MD, is very attentive and very professional.
The best PA I have met in this big world I have lived in now for 81 years.
The doctors and staff were great.
Compliments Received From Emails and Letters
Praise from a parent of a patient:
I would like to pass on the highest compliments to Alexander Byer, MD. He was the emergency room physician who took my son in, worked on him, and communicated with his mother and me as we were of state on the East Coast when he was admitted to the hospital. He was incredibly informative and understanding and gave extremely detailed information … great follow-through and returned calls for follow-up … I would love to meet him and shake his hand and thank him personally.
Praise from a patient’s loved ones:
Kudos and plaudits for stellar service to Westin M. Amberge, MD, and Mitchell J. Gershten, MD. You are to be commended for having such an excellent cadre of talented people on your staff!
Colleague-to-Colleague Recognition
Kudos to Stephen Geddes, RDCS, and Jennifer Springer, MD. Stephen recognized a patient in need as he was unable to rouse the patient, he quickly asked for help from nursing. No nurses were in the vicinity, so Dr. Springer stepped in to help and care for the patient (the patient was unknown to her).