More than 100%: The Legacy Continues Comprehensive Campaign
By Kathie Repola, Executive Director of the Lutheran Medical Center Foundation
The Lutheran Campaign Committee for the Legacy Continues Comprehensive Fundraising Campaign is excited to announce that the five-year goal of $12M has been surpassed!
After two and a half years, $12,078,000 has been raised – 101 percent of the goal! The momentum continues, and our work is not complete. The campaign was scheduled for five years and will continue as there is much more to do, and community interest continues to be strong!
Recent contributions to the campaign include the following:
Dr. Steven and Susan Brown have supported the campaign with a $25,000 gift and will name the Imaging Department Waiting Area in the new Lutheran Hospital. Brown, a radiologist, recently retired after serving as Lutheran’s chief medical officer. He also served on the Lutheran Foundation board of directors for six years.
An Emergency Department Triage Room will be named for the Christy – Billings Family. Brenda Christy and Jim Billings have given a $25,000 gift to the new Lutheran.
Horan & McConaty Funeral Service and Cremation generously gave $25,000 to name five benches at the new Lutheran.
All three gifts will be matched through the Lutheran Foundation’s matching program. Please click the button below to learn more, and thank you to everyone who’s donated.