How do I enroll in enterprise PingID MFA as a Peaks clinician?

This article outlines how to enroll in enterprise PingID, our standard for multi-factor authentication, as a Peaks clinician. As we work towards retiring the legacy SCL Health PingID, all practitioners and caregivers will need to enroll in this new instance.

First, check to see whether you are already enrolled in enterprise PingID.

  • On your phone, check the My Organizations section on the PingID app.

    • Open the PingID app. Note: Do not delete your existing PingID app if you already have it installed.

    • Click on the upper left menu icon.

    • Click on Settings.

If you see Intermountain Health -

Caregivers, you are already enrolled.

If you are missing Intermountain Health - Caregivers, you will need to complete enrollment.

Note: During this transitional period, you will want to keep both enrollments to ensure your access is not lost.

If you find you are not already registered, take these steps to complete enrollment. You will need both your phone and a computer.

  • You will see a welcome page. Click Start.

On your phone, open the PingID app and click the "+" sign to add an organization.

Scan the QR code on your computer screen. You will then be asked to authenticate via PingID. After successfully authenticating you will now be enrolled in both instances of PingID.

If you have any difficulties with this process, please contact the Intermountain Health Technical Assistance Center at 1-877-725-4837.


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