Honors, elegance, costumed villainy at Saint Joseph annual event!
Every James Bond movie has an elegant dinner scene. A striking room filled with glamorous dinner guests. Elevated food, lively conversation. Humor, uproar, intrigue.
On that last part, we were one for three. But we nailed everything else. Our Annual Medical Staff Meeting & Dinner at the Denver Art Museum this past weekend could have been a scene out of any of 007’s adventures. Or those of his most wicked adversaries!
During every annual event, it’s our pleasure to recognize award winners, nominees, longtime physicians and outgoing leaders. Please see their photos along with some of the presenters below.
And congratulations to our costume contest winner duos! Brett Burbidge, PA, and his wife, Andrea, and Ken Lyn-Kew, MD, and his wife, Laura, embodied the best Bond and ultimate Bond villain, Odd Job, to take top olive.
Thank you to all physicians who attended and celebrated another successful year at Saint Joseph Hospital.