Green-Cheatwood earns promotion, to office out of Lutheran

After two and a half years as Good Samaritan’s chief medical officer, Toni Green-Cheatwood, DO, has accepted a position as associate chief medical officer for Colorado acute care. She also will serve as the primary CMO for Lutheran Hospital and will partner with Kathy Crabtree, MD, who has been named assistant CMO.

We caught up with Peak’s newest ACMO and asked her to reflect on her time at Good Samaritan, before she leaves in early February.

What was your first impression when you arrived at Good Samaritan in the summer of 2021?

“I was immediately struck by the collegiality and friendliness of the medical staff. They smartly optimized partnerships to provide the best-possible care to patients. And not just partnerships among physicians, but with all clinicians and caregivers. It’s always felt like one big team, working together for a common goal, each of us with different yet essential tools and skills. And everything is about the best care for the patient. The physicians here are acutely focused on quality – better outcomes, improved metrics, the safest-possible care.”

Looking back, what makes you most proud?

“Oh, boy, that’s tough. There’s so much. I’d have to say, the way we responded and supported the community and each other during the Marshall Fire. That’s one of the moments of which I’m most proud. Being part of this team, on that day, in this place, is a powerful memory for me.

Wendy Cardona, RN, took this picture of the Marshall Fire from within Good Samaritan Hospital

“The original plan, actually, was to help evacuate Avista Hospital and bring those patients here. But then the wind changed and we decided to activate our own emergency transfer protocol. Within two hours we transferred 55 of our most fragile patients to other Intermountain hospitals.

“Not one person panicked. Everyone executed their roles with skill and compassion, precisely as practiced. But better! The devotion shown by everyone – our physicians, nurses, EMS, support staff, really everyone – was remarkable. The number of caregivers who called in, showed up and chose to stay past their shifts, to be sure all of our patients would be cared for and safe, was impressive.”

What would you like to say to the medical staff before you leave?

“You’re amazing! Really! You’re doing an incredible job for our patients. I mean, just look at our improved LOS. We achieved our goal of 1.02 days and now are meeting this target consistently, for the first time. This requires the harmony of a complex set of factors, multiple people of different disciplines, wholeheartedly dedicated to the goal and the relentless pursuit of success. It’s an exceptional group.

“I hope all of our physicians appreciate how much they’re valued. The last couple years working with them has been a privilege.”

In her work as ACMO for Peaks in Colorado, medical staff leaders likely will continue to work with Green-Cheatwood on select projects. Physicians can continue to contact Green-Cheatwood at


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