Good Sam’s Operation Back to School
With the start of school, some families will struggle with the growing expenses of school supplies for their children. Our Mission Council, through Good Sam on a Mission, is coordinating Operation Back to School again this year, to help children at Alicia Sanchez International School start the year with the tools they need to learn and create. This is a school with a very large percentage of their students on the Free and Reduced Lunch Program, an indicator of poverty.
Collection boxes are in the following locations:
Across from the Sky Cafe
The caregiver entrance by Kaiser
Physician's Lounge
Donations will be accepted until the end of July. If you would like to make a cash donation toward supplies, please contact Jan in the Foundation.
Dry-erase markers (black and colors)
Permanent markers (colors)
Crayons (any size but 32-pack preferred)
Squeeze-bottle Glue (not the glue sticks)
Black composition notebooks
Kleenex (any size)